MicroTurbine Power

Corporate Address
41 Rue de la Decouverte,
31676 LABEGE Cedex, FRANCE
Phone: +33 674013977
Fax: +971 4 447 0839
Algeria Branch – MTPG Energie
14 rue de Chenoua
Hydra-16035 Alger, Algeria
Phone/Fax: +213 23459159
Mobile: +213 671381669
Micro Turbine Power is dedicated to the integration and distribution of Capstone microturbine products and technology, in North Africa, UAE and Iraq. Micro Turbine Power is a spin-off of partners and resources highly experienced in rotating machinery, oil and gas servicing, and power generation. The company benefits from its strong presence and local integration in covered countries for business development and customer services, including Capstone trained and certified technicians that operate locally.
Business Focus
- Energy Efficiency
- Renewable Energy
- Oil, Gas, and Other Resources
- Critical Power Supply
- EV Charging